Day 6/ 25 Days To Go

December 6, 2005 | Writing

Ok, technology is a wonderful thing. Computers, the internet, allow us to express ourselves, buy online without leaving the house, make friends, learn and explore. Then there are days, when Hal 2000 takes over and we have no control. Apparently there were some ‘gremlins’ in the system yesterday, so posting was an issue. Not only that, my computer is not playing well with my high speed internet connection. Oh well, I started reading a new book and settled down. I’m taking an online Feng Shui class sponsored by Passionate Ink, and enjoying it. The class is taught by Bella Andre, an author with Pocket and Ellora’s Cave. She has been a Feng Shui consultant for five years and her book, “Take Me”, published by Pocket, came out in November. Thanks Bella, so far today, I moved my desk so I can see out the window and the door to encourage energy flow. Beth, one of my awesome critique partners, commented on the first scene in chapter four of my book and had very few comments. I take that as a compliment to her teaching about point of view, flow and COMMAS!! Now I’m waiting on Sloane for comments. I’m working on the rest of the chapter today. Don’t forget, Wednesday, I’m posting a new Favorite Article/Book. It’s from Writer’s Digest, December 2005 issue.

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  1. It’s me, the Comma Queen, reporting for duty. I like the opening scene of chapter four. You’re making good progress and your voice is loud and clear.

    Let us know how the class goes. I could use some Feng Shui in my life.


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